In 2011 Mackenzie Brewing Company was born, in concept at least. It has come to life a ‘quick’ seven years later.
Jeffrey Doss spent the majority of those seven years shifting his attention away from his 33 year engineering consulting profession and began planning Mackenzie Brewing Company with his brother Greg, and wife Sandy. Starting as an obsessive hobby 18 years ago, Jeffrey and Greg began brewing for homebrew parties and picnics. Over the years the chorus of “when are you guys going to open your own brewery?” has finally got an answer. A hobby, turned profession, will give Jeffrey the time to do what he desires; keep making better beer every week.
Although no longer located in St. Louis or associated with the brewery, Greg is an invaluable part of its development and reality. We recognize his contributions and efforts by naming the brewery after his daughter and Jeffrey’s niece. We proudly announce the arrival of Mackenzie Brewing Company, a small batch brewery focused on Belgian and High Gravity beers. The tasting room will offer eight different beer styles with three rotating seasonal taps. We hope to see you there soon!